FDIC Certificate #: 33394 Status: Inactive Federal Reserve ID: 272571 Date Established: May 03, 1991 Bank Charter Class: Savings associations, state or federal charter, supervised by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) OTS Docket #: 9173 FDIC's unique #: 47033 Numeric code: 38 Regulator: OTS Insurance Fund Membership: Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) FDIC Insured: Yes SAIF Insured: Yes Insured Savings Institution: Yes State Chartered: No Date of Deposit Insurance: May 03, 1991 Last Structure Change Effective Date: March 20, 1992 Last Structure Change Process Date: April 21, 1992 Last Data Update: Febuary 06, 1995 Data Source Date: April 05, 2012
Address: 101 Grangy Street, Norfolk, VA 23510 County: Norfolk City Quarterly Banking Profile Region: Atlanta FDIC Geographic Region: Atlanta FDIC Supervisory Region: Atlanta FDIC Field Office: Richmond Office of the Comptroller the Currency (OCC) District: Northeast Office of Thrift Supervision Region: Southeast Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News, VA-NC (#5720) Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA): Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC (#47260) CBSA Metro Statistical Area: Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC (#47260)
History of Changes
RTC Supervised Payoffs, Liquidations, and Closings
Conservatorship Institution Resolved
Financial Summary
Total assets: $27.5 mil
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